
API Protect Micro API Firewall Reports and Troubleshooting

You’ve seen how 42Crunch can protect your APIs and microservices – now let’s review reporting.

Viewing Transaction Logs

At any time, you can click on transaction logs to view all failed transactions found by the conformance scan and review the full list.

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Look up a Specific Error

So one thing that I want to show first is how you can troubleshoot and see that specific transactions that get blocked. Sometimes you can have legitimate users and maybe your partners, your other teams who might have been using your APIs incorrectly – and might have started relying on some sort of hacks of your APIs and using the APIs in a way that you wouldn’t expect. And they might call you and complain that something that used to work, no longer works. All you need to do is ask them for that transaction ID.

Now you can easily go into the 42Crunch console and use that ID to look up the specific transaction and drill down into the details of what went wrong.

Click on Transaction Logs, then paste the ID into the search bar. You will see what exactly happened, what exactly failed and why. You will get detailed information for the requests coming in, and then if response was blocked – what happened to the response.

Non-blocking Mode

There’s a setting to run the firewall in nonblocking mode. This is something that you can use when you don’t yet want to enable the protection, but you want to start getting reports on all the calls that are outside of the contract. So maybe if you are not comfortable yet to start enforcing the protection and you want to just figure out who is using your APIs incorrectly outside of a contract, you can run it in non-blocking mode and see those calls before you enable the protection.

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Security Dashboard

You can click on ‘Security Dashboard’ to view overall reporting to see how your APIs are being used.

Latest Resources


Review of Major API Security Breaches from H1 2024

In this latest webinar, Anthony Lonergan, reviews some of the most recent high-profile API breaches that occurred in 2024.
Anthony will give a detailed overview of each attack and explain how the different vulnerabilities could be exploited to compromise the companies involved. He then practically demonstrates how companies can remediate against these vulnerabilities order to better protect their APIs.


The Scourge of SQL Injection for APIs

By Anthony Lonergan | June 25, 2024

In a report published in May 2024, cybersecurity firm Eclypsium outlined key vulnerabilities discovered in the F5 Big IP Next device. It’s another sobering reminder of the challenges faced in securing APIs when a highly regarded security company like F5 launches a new flagship product with all-too-familiar vulnerabilities […]


APIs are the core building block of every enterprise’s digital strategy, yet they are also the number one attack surface for hackers. 42Crunch makes developers’ and security practitioners' lives easier by protecting APIs, with a platform that automates security into the API development pipeline and gives full oversight of security policy enforcement at every stage of the API lifecycle.

Ready to Learn More?

Developer-first solution for delivering API security as code.