The Core Pillars of API Security Security Throughout the API Lifecycle

Increase your API Security Maturity by understanding each of the core domains and the challenges each presents.

The 6 domains of API security

Enhancing your API Security Posture

Understanding your current position on each of the core domains of API security and what gold standard looks like will allow you to create a plan to improve your API security posture. Below we ask the key questions related to each domain, these questions are answered on a dedicated page for each domain.

DevSecOps-API Design
  • Are you doing API-design-first?
  • Do you incorporate security into the design phase?


It is significantly more cost e.ective to address security issues at the design phase, rather than later in the lifecycle - a shift-left approach is key.

Secure API Design explained

DevSecOps-API Development
  • Are your developers trained to code securely?
  • Do they understand API security threats and risks?


This vital stage is where the rubber meets the road - developers should ensure they are following security best practice to avoid introducing vulnerabilities into APIs.

Secure API Development Explained

DevSecOps-API Security Testing
  • Are you doing automated API testing?
  • Are you considering security in your test strategy?


Without adequate API security testing an organization runs the risk of deploying insecure APIs - test early, test often, test everywhere.

API Security Testing Explained

DevSecOps-API Inventory
  • Do you understand what APIs you own?
  • Do you track shadow and zombie APIs?


An up-to-date and accurate inventory is key to maintaining visibility into the exposed risk and attack surface.

Securing Your API Inventory Explained

DevSecOps-API Protection
  • Are you using API protection technology (WAFs, WAAPs, API gateways) in your deployments?
  • Are you using API runtime threat protection technology?


A defense-in-depth approach is the foundation of risk reduction - regardless of how well designed your APIs are, they will still be attacked by persistent and skilled adversaries. Adding runtime threat protection is a key tool in defensive strategies.

Secure API Runtime Protection Explained

DevSecOps-API Governance
  • Do you control and actively monitor your API estate and environments?
  • Can you enforce security policies?


Trust but verify โ€” a robust governance process is essential to ensure that API development observes organizational methodologies and policies.

API Security Governance Explainedย 


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seamless DevSecOps for API Security

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Developer-first solution for delivering API security as code.