Pierrick Prévert

Pierrick headed up Presales in EMEA for 42Crunch and can answer all your technical questions about the platform.

Lessons learned from the Spring4Shell vulnerability

By Pierrick Prévert / April 1, 2022

Recently we published an article on the log4shell vulnerability targeting log4j, in which we explained how APIs can be protected against injection attacks with a positive security model, and how 42Crunch easily enables such a model. Now, it’s time for the Spring4Shell (CVE-2022-22965) vulnerability, targeting the Spring framework, commonly used to build APIs. What can […]

OWASP API Security Top 10: Comprendre les menaces qui ciblent les APIs

By Pierrick Prévert / March 22, 2022

Ce webinaire, dédié à la sécurité des APIs, traite des menaces listées par l’OWASP API Security top 10. Vous assisterez à l’explication détaillée de chaque menace, son exploitation possible, des exemples d’attaques réussies et comment, grâce à la technologie 42crunch il est possible de s’en prémunir.

Protecting your APIs against Log4Shell with 42Crunch

By Pierrick Prévert / January 26, 2022

On December 9th, 2021, the log4shell vulnerability hit the news and it has since been every security team’s worst nightmare: trivially exploitable, huge impact with RCE (Remote Code Execution), on a component widely used across traditional enterprise technological stacks, both in in-house and third-party software. All this combined explains its CVSS rating of 10 – […]

Are You Properly Using JWTs?

By Pierrick Prévert / January 30, 2020

JSON Web tokens (JWTs) are used massively in API-based applications as access tokens or to transport information across services. Unfortunately, JWT are often mis-used and incorrectly handled. Massive data breaches have occurred in the last 18 months due to token leakage and lack of proper of validation.

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Developer-first solution for delivering API security as code.