42Crunch and Microsoft Partner to Deliver End-to-End API Security

Fix APIs Today,
Prevent Breaches Tomorrow
The only API Security platform to proactively test, fix and protect your APIs from development to runtime

  • icon_API Secure

    Governance & Compliance

    Security teams enforce security policy compliance

  • icon_Exchange

    Automate Manual Tasks

    Remove manual intervention and speed up delivery

  • Icons 42Crunch_Document Multi Lock

    Security by Design

    Shift-left with API security testing for developers

  • icon_Target

    Accelerate API Delivery

    Remove security bottlenecks and speed up innovation

  • icon_Deploy

    Scale Security

    Protect 1000s of APIs from the ground up

  • Icons 42Crunch_Wrench Warning

    Remove False Positives

    Proactive security model removes false positives


42Crunch's ability to secure both the CI/CD pipeline & the runtime environment makes it a compelling candidate for any API security project

Rick Turner
Principal Analyst


Helping Security
& Development Teams
The only API security platform that enforces governance and compliance from design to runtime and gives developers the tools to code security from inside the IDE.

API Capture automates the generation of OpenAPI contracts and API security testing configurations from Postman collections and API traffic.

    • Free up development teams from time-consuming design and maintenance tasks
    • Automate security test cofigurations
    • Use OpenAPI specification to improve API documentation
    • Capture unknown traffic and reconcile OpenAPI definitions with real traffic to improve governance

API Audit provides instant security scoring for prioritization and remediation advice at design time and API Scan scans the API to ensure conformance to the OpenAPI contract and detect vulnerabilities at both testing time and runtime.
    • 300+ security checks
    • Actionable report with zero false positives
    • Available from IDEs and CI/CD pipelines
    • Instant visibility into API security status
    • Test live endpoints
    • Early identification of OWASP API Security Top 10 issues

API Protect offers runtime API security policy enforcement with a low footprint, containerized micro-API firewall.

    • API Protect is configured in one-click from the API contract
    • The API Contract becomes the white list for security
    • No need to guess via AI/ML which traffic is valid
    • No policies to write

Fantastic Product, great peace of mind, amazing support staff *****


Ready for DevSecOps Push your OpenAPI definition to your CI/CD pipeline and automatically audit, scan and protect your APIs

Icons 42Crunch_DeveloperPerson

Easy-to-use API contract design and testing tools

Automate API security testing

Developers can work across teams on one platform,  without errors

Icons 42Crunch_SecurityPerson

Avoid error-prone manual API security 

Run API security audits and scan live API endpoints

Automate the redeployment of runtime protection policies with each API change

Icons 42Crunch_DeveloperPerson copy 5

Ultra-low latency API firewall  

Run at scale on Kubernetes, Amazon ECS or Red Hat OpenShift

Full visibility with integration to SIEM

Developers Use Our Tools!

Industry's #1 OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor and API Security Audit tool are available on your favorite IDEs

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AboutUs Infographic Quotes P3-15
AboutUs Infographic Quotes P3-14

Some Industry Insights Free Industry Analyst Reports covering 42Crunch and API Security

How 42Crunch solves API Security scaling requirements for Telecommunications

Survey of IT & business leaders to understand their views on API Security

The Ins and Outs of API Security and how to protect your APIs

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Ready to Learn More?

Developer-first solution for delivering API security as code.