How to Embed API Security Testing into the Development Lifecycle without Delaying Production Rollout

This is the first in a 3-part series of blogs exploring how 42Crunch assists enterprises with API security compliance.

Shift Left for Greater Compliance
In her seminal blogpost, “Shifting Security to the Left” Shannon Lietz explains how including security testing earlier into the development lifecycle makes for longer-lived and more resilient software. Shannon points out that with security requirements represented earlier in the software development process, it effectively makes enforcement and compliance part of the Continuous Delivery pipeline. The principles she advocates for are also what guides us at 42Crunch as we enable almost one million API developers with our API security testing tools to test the functionality of their APIs as they code.


Remediate Before Deployment

One of the core problems cited with API behavior monitoring and discovery tools is their inability to take remediative action to fix the root cause of an API vulnerability. In contrast, leveraging 42Crunch’s testing capabilities,  developers and security teams are able to identify and fix any issues on the fly during the design and development stages from within the IDE and CI/CD pipelines. Our API security testing tools identify security issues early and offer developers remediation advice during the development stage so that when they hand an API over to security teams they are already compliant with the mandated security policies.


Governance Direct from the CI/CD Pipeline
By introducing security early into the lifecycle we make enforcement and compliance a function within the CI/CD pipeline. No longer does security have to wait until after the API has been deployed downstream to identify vulnerabilities or worry about rogue APIs being deployed. With the 42Crunch API security platform, security teams get full visibility of the entire API portfolio, including audit grades, usage, blocked attacks, and potential vulnerabilities.

Latest Resources


Top Things You Need to Know About API Security

Two of the API security industry’s leading experts, Dr Philippe de Ryck and Isabelle Mauny, guide you through some real-world cases of API security attacks and also share some best practices for securing your APIs.


42Crunch And Microsoft’s Defender for Cloud Partner to Deliver End-to-End API Security

By Newsdesk | November 15, 2023

San Francisco, CA, November 15, 2023 10AM PST
42Crunch and Microsoft integrate services to help enterprises adopt a full-lifecycle approach to API security
Today 42Crunch, the API DevSecOps platform, announced the integration of 42Crunch’s API security audit and vulnerability testing solution with Microsoft Defender for Cloud to provide Microsoft customers continuous API protection from design to runtime.


APIs are the core building block of every enterprise’s digital strategy, yet they are also the number one attack surface for hackers. 42Crunch makes developers’ and security practitioners' lives easier by protecting APIs, with a platform that automates security into the API development pipeline and gives full oversight of security policy enforcement at every stage of the API lifecycle.


Top Things You Need to Know About API Security

Two of the API security industry’s leading experts, Dr Philippe de Ryck and Isabelle Mauny, guide you through some real-world cases of API security attacks and also share some best practices for securing your APIs.


42Crunch And Microsoft’s Defender for Cloud Partner to Deliver End-to-End API Security

By Newsdesk | November 15, 2023

San Francisco, CA, November 15, 2023 10AM PST
42Crunch and Microsoft integrate services to help enterprises adopt a full-lifecycle approach to API security
Today 42Crunch, the API DevSecOps platform, announced the integration of 42Crunch’s API security audit and vulnerability testing solution with Microsoft Defender for Cloud to provide Microsoft customers continuous API protection from design to runtime.


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Product Datasheet Addressing API Security Challenges

APIs are the core building block of every enterprise’s digital strategy, yet they are also the number one attack surface for hackers. 42Crunch makes developers’ and security practitioners' lives easier by protecting APIs, with a platform that automates security into the API development pipeline and gives full oversight of security policy enforcement at every stage of the API lifecycle.

Ready to Learn More?

Developer-first solution for delivering API security as code.