
Mastering Secure API Development with GitHub and 42Crunch

July 13, 2023

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With over 100 million users and 330 million repositories, GitHub has become the de facto home of software development. GitHub has become so much more than purely a Git repository hosting platform. With features such as repository forking, pull requests, and, most notably, GitHub Actions, it is now a one-stop development platform.

42Crunch is the developer-first API security platform with plugins for VS Code and GitHub to automate the process of building secure APIs right in the developer's natural environment.

Join Isabelle Mauny (Field CTO) and Colin Domoney (​​Chief Technology Evangelist) from 42Crunch as they take a deep dive with live demos into how 42Crunch combines with GitHub to facilitate secure API development:

This practical demo will showcase the following:

  • Discover OpenAPI definitions automatically within repositories.
  • Audit OpenAPI definitions in GitHub Actions and view results alongside other code scanning tools all in a single view through GitHub Advanced Security.
  • Scan your API for security vulnerabilities directly within GitHub Actions.
  • Deploy the 42Crunch API firewall within GitHub Actions.
  • Protect your main branch by performing automated testing of APIs directly within the pull request process, allowing informed risk-based decisions for reviewers.
  • Using the 42Crunch GitHub application to enrich the pull request annotations further, allowing better decision-making for the reviewer.
  • Drive the entire process without ever leaving VS Code!

Learn how to seamlessly integrate 42Crunch within GitHub to prevent vulnerable APIs from ever entering your repository.


Isabelle Mauny FIN3 copy
Isabelle Mauny

Field CTO


Colin Domoney BW
Colin Domoney

Chief Technology Evangelist


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APIs are the core building block of every enterprise’s digital strategy, yet they are also the number one attack surface for hackers. 42Crunch makes developers’ and security practitioners' lives easier by protecting APIs, with a platform that automates security into the API development pipeline and gives full oversight of security policy enforcement at every stage of the API lifecycle.

Ready to Learn More?

Developer-first solution for delivering API security as code.