OWASP API Security Top 10

Mitigate OWASP API risks through security-by-design

October 3, 2024

Learn best practices and mitigation steps for some of the OWASP API vulnerabilities through this 42Crunch API security best practice webinar
Nov 5, 2024
PST 9am | EST 12pm | GMT 5pm

How to Protect your APIs from Broken Authentication and Unrestricted Resource Consumption

March 12, 2024

In a follow-up to our recent blogpost which explored the OWASP API Authorization risks, this week we share highlights of our webinar which featured Philippe De Ryck and Isabelle Mauny talking about the Authentication challenges encountered when protecting your APIs.  They explored just how potentially dangerous the combination of the two OWASP API Top 10 […]

Top Things You Need to Know About API Security

February 6, 2024

Two of the API security industry’s leading experts, Dr Philippe de Ryck and Isabelle Mauny, guide you through some real-world cases of API security attacks and also share some best practices for securing your APIs.

The OWASP API Security Top 10 Has Been Updated – How Are Companies Reacting?

August 8, 2023

The OWASP API Security Project released an updated version of the OWASP Top 10 for APIs last month. In the intervening years since the first edition was published in 2019 API security has risen to become arguably the most pressing area of focus for CISOs and Heads of Application Security today. Certainly, at 42Crunch we […]

Something Old, Something New – OWASP API Security Top 10 in 2023

August 1, 2023

42Crunch’s Colin Domoney takes a look at the new OWASP API Security 2023 listing, identifying which vulnerabilities are new, which have not changed and which have been removed.

42Crunch becomes a member of OWASP to Advance API Security 

November 14, 2022

November 14, 2022, San Francisco, CA –  42Crunch is pleased to announce our corporate membership of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software. At 42Crunch we have always been inspired by OWASP’s role as an enabler of the  global security professional community. Our […]

OWASP API Security TOP 10 Challenges – Episode 3

March 24, 2022

In this 3-part webinar series Dr. Philippe De Ryck, Web Security Expert with Pragmatic Web Security and Colin Domoney of 42Crunch and APISecurity.io, take a deep dive into understanding and addressing the OWASP API Security Top 10 issues. Through detailed practical examples and use cases, they guide developers and security professionals through how to fix and secure their APIs in the face of these identified threats.

OWASP API Security Top 10: Comprendre les menaces qui ciblent les APIs

March 22, 2022

Ce webinaire, dédié à la sécurité des APIs, traite des menaces listées par l’OWASP API Security top 10. Vous assisterez à l’explication détaillée de chaque menace, son exploitation possible, des exemples d’attaques réussies et comment, grâce à la technologie 42crunch il est possible de s’en prémunir.

OWASP API Security TOP 10 Challenges – Episode 2

February 17, 2022

THREE-PART WEBINAR SERIES May 4th, 2022 | 8am PST | 4pm BST Watch the Webinar Browse the Deck In this first episode in the webinar series, Dr Philippe de Ryck and Colin Domoney discuss API security today and the challenges presented by the OWASP API security top 10. Questions from attendees were addressed throughout the […]

Why Do APIs Merit a Separate OWASP Top 10 Listing?

February 8, 2022

Throughout the 3 part webinar series “API Security Landscape Today and the OWASP API Security Top 10 Challenges” we will publish blog posts that highlight some of the main talking points addressed by the speakers.  In this post, Philippe and Colin explore the differences between APIs and web apps that necessitated the creation of a […]

OWASP API Security TOP 10 Challenges – Episode 1

January 25, 2022

In this first episode in the webinar series, Dr Philippe de Ryck and Colin Domoney discuss API security today and the challenges presented by the OWASP API security top 10. Questions from attendees were addressed throughout the webinar.

OWASP API Security Top 10 Webinar Series (Part 2)

November 4, 2020

By now, you should know that APIs are special and deserve their own OWASP Top 10 list, but do you know how these common attacks happen and why?

OWASP API Security Top 10 Webinar Series (Part 1)

October 21, 2020

By now, you should know that APIs are special and deserve their own OWASP Top 10 list, but do you know how these common attacks happen and why?

OWASP API Security Top 10 Cheat Sheet

December 16, 2019

Download our OWASP API Security Cheat Sheets to print out and hang on your wall! Download Cheat Sheet If you missed our latest presentation, check out the slides here:   Learn more about the OWASP API Security Top 10. Try our security audit for free. If you want to see the whole platform in action, […]

Questions Answered: OWASP API Security Top 10 Webinar

November 22, 2019

You had questions, and we’ve got answers! Thank you for all the questions submitted on the OWASP API Security Top 10 webinar on Nov 2019. We couldn’t get to all of them so we wanted to follow-up with a full list of all the Q&A – and the slide deck as well! How do you […]

OWASP API Security Top 10

November 21, 2019

In recent years, large reputable companies such as Facebook, Google and Equifax have suffered major data breaches that combined exposed the personal information of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The common vector linking these breaches – APIs. The scale and magnitude of these breaches are the reason API security has been launched into the forefront of enterprise security concerns – now forcing us to rethink the way we approach API security as a whole.

Hot off the press: the OWASP API Security Top 10 list!

June 18, 2019

Last week, a new OWASP project was launched at the Global AppSec conference in Tel Aviv: the API Security Top 10 list. The project information and initial Top 10 list were presented by Erez Yalon (Checkmarx) and Inon Shkedy and you can download the presentation PDF. We have also created an OWASP API Security Top […]

Why do we need the A10 entry in the OWASP Top 10?

July 18, 2017

Without any doubt, APIs have redefined the enterprise architecture landscape by becoming the building blocks of internal and external enterprise applications. APIs are now the entry point into most architectures, much like servlets and JSPs were in the application server era. APIs give access to a wide range of applications, systems, databases and now things with […]